Maldives landfall

Mystic of Holyhead (successor to Lynn Rival)
Rachel and Paul Chandler
Fri 6 Mar 2009 12:30
Arrived at Uligamu, an island in the northernmost atoll, Ihavandhippolhu, this morning. We sailed most of the 276 nautical miles from Cochin, and mostly to windward (on starboard tack) so at an angle. Not the best situation for a shake-down sail but it could have been much worse. We still have plenty of things to fix and a few more to check, but nothing show-stopping we hope.
Our Q flag is flying and we are now waiting for customs and immigration to arrive, probably not until tomorrow. The anchorage is pleasantly breezy and we're looking forward to a refreshing swim at the end of the day.
Our last two weeks in Cochin were hectic and the weather was getting more oppressive by the day. We were sad to say goodbye to our friends and helpers there but glad to escape the increasing temperatures and humidity in the run up to the summer monsoon.
One of the many good things about Cochin was the opportunity to stock up with provisions, especially in the markets of Old Cochin. The boat is now loaded up and the process of stowing everything is an on-going problem. There are only so many places we can keep fresh produce to keep it aired, if not cool. Other items need to be stored to make best use of the available space but also need to be accessible when wanted. Lists get written and then re-written as things get moved about in search of the optimum storage plan!
After a few days here we'll be heading south, visiting a few of the 1200 islands which make up the Maldives.