Getting ship-shape

Mystic of Holyhead (successor to Lynn Rival)
Rachel and Paul Chandler
Thu 23 Oct 2008 10:39
We've enjoyed our stay here and the local people are very friendly. It's also been great having a berth close to the town, with water and electricity available. Once dismantled, our only option will be the anchorage on the other side of the river, which is not very convenient or safe. We are now planning to leave for Kochi (Cochin) sometime next week, after the festival of Divali. The process of getting clearance to leave the port can take two days so leaving has to be a leisurely affair.
With the help of Ali, we managed to find a local workshop to unbend the stemhead fitting so we are back to having a functioning main anchor. Our upholsterer re-covered the saloon cushions (Indian fashion so not perfect!) and the diver came to clean the prop and hull. The temperatures have been unusually hot for October so we've not been feeling very energetic, but Lynn Rival is now looking reasonably ship-shape. Yesterday Paul went up the mast to fit a new tricolour light (to replace the one damaged by an osprey in Sudan) and today we started the engine to check it works. We're now looking forward to going sailing again.