
SY Coral IV
Kolbjørn Haarr and Otto Hulbak / Morten Persson
Mon 18 Mar 2013 13:59
For de med interesse for været vi får. Om dere ser på kartet så ser dere da også hvor vi er i forhold til været. Dere ser også i meldingen hvor Commandersweather forventer at vi er. Vi ligger litt bak skjemaet.
En ting jeg har glemt å nevne i forhold til vind og fart:
Vi holder en lavere snittfart enn hva vi forventet. Dette grunnes egentlig ikke vinden, men bølgene. Selv om vi til tider har lite vind så har vi i løpet av et døgn vind nok til å kunne gå uten motor og ha en ok fremdrift. Bølgene er såpass store (selv om det er nesten vindstille) at de stopper mye av fremdriften. Har vi 10-12 knop vind greier vi ikke mer enn 3 knop fremdrift pga bølgene. Retningen på vinden har her også betydning og vi sliter en del med at vi ikke greier å holde vinkelen skarp nok mot Azorene.
Når det er sagt så har vi også hatt over 10 knop bare på cutterseilet Winking smile emoticon
Her er værmedlingen:
To: Morten Persson and crew of “ Coral IV”
From: Commanders Weather Corp, tel 603-882-6789
Route: St Lucia to Azores to England
Last Position:  27 33N/42 46W at 1700UTC Sat, March 16
Prepared: 1100UTC Monday, March 18, 2013

1) Light conditions for the next 12-18 hrs or so, but will be increasing
later tonight into Tue and becoming quite rough Wed into Thu, as low
pressure tracks E, north of Azores
  a) could see gusts to 40-50 kts late Wed
2) Forecast below shows, if you continue with a 6 kts pace toward Azores,
but if you slow down, this will help conditions
3) Right now, there is a ridge of high pressure near 28N, extending W to S
of Bermuda, while cold front resides well to NE and stretches SW to Bermuda
  a) you are just N or NE of this ridge in a light W to W-NW breeze
4) Think you will see a W-NW to W breeze, increasing some into tonight,
then shifts more left into W-SW or SW overnight into Tue, as cold front
pushes SE
  a) wind into teens to low 20s during Tue, and
  b) there is chance for showers and squalls at night, as cold front
approaches from NW
5) Cold front pushes thru by early Wed AM
6) Behind this front, there will be a W-NW breeze for a time into Wed AM,
7) As low pressure strengthens and moves more SE, there will be an
increasing W-SW flow later Wed into Wed evening
  a) Chance for wind into 20s to 30-35 kts, but
  b) look out for gusts to 40-50 kts, mainly between 18 utc Wed and 060 utc
  c) Conditions rougher to N and NE closer to the low, while less to S and
8) With the stronger winds, seas will be quite rough, possible to 15-20 ft
Wed night into early Thu
9) This low then tracks more E and will be N or NE of Azores early Thu AM,
while high pressure builds behind you to SW
10) Conditions improve during Thu, as this low continues to exit more E,
and the high builds to near 32n/40w by 00 utc Fri
  a) diminishing W-NW to NW breeze, down to 20 kts or less by later Thu or
Thu evening, but
11) The high continues moving E and will be located near 30n/20-30w during
12) North of this high, there will be a moderate/strong W to W-SW flow
approaching Azores during Sat
  a) Wind mainly in 20s to 30 kts

1) Generally a direct route toward Azores, but
2) you may want to slow down to 5 kts or less to have better conditions

Wind forecasts
Wind directions are TRUE, wind speed in kts and time is UTC

Mon, Mar 18
15: 270-300/ 6-12
18: 270-300/ 8-13
21: 270-290/10-16
Weather…partly cloudy to fair
Seas 6-9 ft, mostly NW swell

Tue, Mar 19
00: 270-290/10-16
06: 270-250/12-17
12: 240-260/15-22 near 32n/37w
18: 240-260/17-24
Weather…partly to mostly cloudy, increasing chance for showers and squalls,
mainly to N and NW. Watch out for activity to contain brief heavier rain
w/gust to 30-35 kts late
Seas up to 7-10 ft, increasing chop (3-5 ft) with NW swell

Wed, Mar 20 – rougher conditions, as big low tracks just N of Azores
00: 250-270/22-15
06: 260-290/17-25, squally – front pushing thru
12: 290-260/20-28, near 33 45N/35W
18: 250-270/25-35, g40-45
Weather…Showers/squalls ending early, then clearing for a time, but then
more clouds with chance for passing shower/squall possible PM/night
Seas building to 15-20 ft, rougher chop (6-9 ft) with large W-NW or NW swell

Thu, Mar 21 – improving conditions, as low exits more E
00: 270-300/25-40 g50?
06: 300-330/25-35 g45
12: 300-330/35-22, near 35 15N/33W
18: 300-330/18-26
Weather…variable cloudiness, chance for isolated passing showers
Seas subsiding some, possible down to 12-15 ft late, diminishing chop with
large NW swell

Fri, Mar 22
00: 310-330/20-12
06: 300-320/12-17
12: 300-270/14-20, near 36 45N/31W
18: 250-270/14-20
Weather…partly cloudy
Seas down to 10 ft, large W-NW swell
Sat, Mar 23
00: 240-260/20-30
12: 230-250/18-26 near 38 15n/29 30w – approaching Horta
Weather…partly to variable cloudy
Seas 10-15 ft

Best regards, Chris Wasserback

*Commanders' Weather Corporation
Tel: 603-882-6789
Email: info {CHANGE TO AT} commandersweather {DOT} com
Website: commandersweather.com
Normal hours of operation: 5am to 5pm US eastern time, 7 days a week