12 April 2013 Marsden Cove Marina
The EJ's Voyage
Mike Everton-Jones
Thu 11 Apr 2013 23:00
In preparation mode for our Fiji departure at the end of the month. We cleaned our water tanks yesterday. We have a last minute unexpected expenditure: we need to replace the batteries. They are only 4 years old but are just starting to fail and not holding the amps so it is probably wiser to replace them here rather than when we are in Fiji or Vanuatu.
Going out to "Slip Away" for dinner tonight. Jan and Rich have kindly invited us to a dinner party. I baked a vanilla - chocolate cake. Let's hope it will be edible!
There is a fishing tournament this weekend so there is bound to be a lot of noise and activity in the marina.
Weather still very good but colder in the morning and at night.