25 August 2011 Tonga
Les arrived in Vava’u on Tuesday. His trip from We hired a taxi today to tou the island. Not the most scenic
place we have been to but it was still nice. Very green and hilly. There is a
lot of poverty around. Most of the people do not own furniture. They just sit
on the floor. Yet nobody looks hungry. That’s perhaps pigs are plentiful
and roam feely around with their piglets in tow. Not much agriculture and no
manufactures. Apart from tourism I am not sure what their economy rely on. And
even tourism is minimal. Hotels are either run down or closed. Bars and cafes in
Neiafu, the village where we are, are all run by foreigners and even they have
a hard time filling their places up, probably partly because they are not all
that cheap and food is basic. Last Friday we took part in the Yacht Club weekly event, a
race round the bay. We went on Stuart’s boat, BEYOND, with Barry and
Judy. We raced against big boats and one big catamaran. Guess what: we won! It
was not very windy but we all enjoy it. The following evening they all came
onboard for dinner: spaghetti Bolognese followed by home baked cake with fruits
and cream. We will race again tomorrow and go on Barry and Judy’s boat
this time for dinner. The outcome of the race might be different tomorrow as we
can expect 21 kts of wind. Very windy this week but at least sunnier today. It would be
nice if it could calm down a bit so we can finally leave the bay and see the
other anchorages! All well onboard. Love Mike and Catherine |