22 Februay 2011 Balboa yacht Club Panama
We are back in On a less positive note, we lost the crew we found to cross
the Pacific with. Let’s just say that he wasn’t what we expected
him to be and he left the boat as soon as we arrived back in We had a nice relaxing day today. As we have internet
connection here at the yacht club we caught up on our emails this morning and
had Skype call conversations with our Mums and a few friends. Good to hear all
the loving voices. Then we went shopping for bikinis ((ok, maybe that was more
for me although Mike was very involved in the choosing…) and cigars (definitely
for Mike!) at a giant Mall shopping center called Allbrook. We then took a taxi
to the Old town of We received some disturbing news about another earthquake in
We should be here for a week or so doing the last of the
boat provisioning, paperwork etc and intend to leave for the Galapagos early
March. Will be back soon with more news. Love Mike and Catherine |