Wednesday 19 January 2011 Shelter Bay Marina Colon
The EJ's Voyage
Mike Everton-Jones
Wed 19 Jan 2011 16:25
FALBALA is back in the water! Slight hick up though as the engine wouldn't start! Dead battery. We had to be towed to our berth. Not a very dignified entrance in the marina!!!
Anyway, hopefully a new battery will do the trick.
Mike has taken the generator apart and found the leak. He has been swearing and sweating a lot so let's hope that the rebuild will be hassle free and more importantly that it will start at the push of a button!
We met a nice American couple and also a British one. Quite a lot of French boats around too. The marina is very full. We still have rain showers from time to time. Very hot and humid during the day but nicely cooler at night.
Nice to be back "home" on board. The restaurant here in the marina has a very limited choice of food and it will be nice to use our galley again and cook our own meals.
Better get going. So much to do still! We haven't yet emptied our storage locker which contains all our sails, ropes, cushions etc. etc.!
More soon
Mike and Catherine