3 August 2011 3 day at sea
The EJ's Voyage
Mike Everton-Jones
Wed 3 Aug 2011 21:11
All going well onboard. We enjoy being just the two
of us even if we start feeling tired after the night watches.
The wind has dropped which is not too good but on
the other hand so has the swell which is more comfortable. According to the
forecast we should hit a doldrums zone in a day or two and then the wind will
veer North, somewhat unusual for this time of year. Not too sure what it will
mean. Will it bring clouds and rain as well? We'll have to wait and
Mike caught a big beautiful Mahi Mahi yesterday. He
fought very hard to bring it alongside. Just when he was going to take the gaffe
to hoist it onboard the bugger escaped! Bad luck but we'll try again
The sky at night is full of stars and the milky way
is very bright.
Blue sky and sun during the day and very nice warm
temperature but not too hot.
More tomorrow.
Mike and Catherine