21 Feb 2009 - Dominican Republic
The EJ's Voyage
Mike Everton-Jones
Sun 22 Feb 2009 15:28
expect as everyone we talked to seemed so negation about Puerto Rico but
in fact, we had a very warm welcome from the locals. They were so kind and
helpful. Old town of San Juan is magnificent. Beautiful houses, the
Spanish influence strongly present everywhere. We intended to leave the
harbour in the evening but had to stay put because of big swells making
the entrance/exit of the harbour too dangerous to go through. So we had a
good night sleep and left at 8 AM the following day 19 Feb.
Good sail to Dominican Republic despite the big swells and we arrived at
our destination at 2 AM last night. A few problems with our boom but Mike
spotted it on time and managed to temporarily fix it.
A bit of sightseeing today and the intention is to set sail again at 9 PM
tonight to Turks islands. Looking out of the window from the Marina Office
where we are all sitting checking emails etc., it is blowing quite hard
again. So we'll see what happens tonight.
Great big marina here, brand new with all the facilities and a casino very
Las Vegas style. There is a Fiesta in town along the sea front so we are
off to participate! Ole!
Hope you all keep well.
Catherine and Mike