Nearly There

It was more of the same today. Very “dreach”
day. Not enough wind to sail, so at 10pm tonight we even stopped trying to
motor sail and put away all the sails and just motored along. The aim is to
cross the bar into Port Douglas at first light tomorrow, moor up in Marina
Mirage and then have a kip! The good news is that we DID see several humpback whales
today. So much so, I even managed to get some (poor) photographs of them
Believe it or not these pictures were taken in colour at hi
resolution. Shows you just what a miserable day the weather turned on for us.
The pictures do not portray the scale of these leviathans. They are 17 metres
long fully grown and weigh in at 45 tonnes. That is twice the weight of
Zipadedoda, fully loaded!!!! Current position is 16:39:33S 145:49:32E No other excitement to report today. Hopefully we will be
able to share some fun with you from Port Douglas tomorrow. |