Progress 24:09:06N 19:38:00W

Zipadedoda of Dart
David H Kerr
Thu 22 Nov 2007 09:13

Just a brief up date.


No dramas to report. Hurray!!


The last 12 hours has see us cover over 70nm. This is much more respectable. Been a very mixed bag. Motored at low revs for 3 hours when we had no wind at all, then steaming along at between 6.5 and 8.5 knots for the next 5 hours. Now we are drifting along at 6knots on a Northerly breeze of 10knots.


According to the latest Grib files just down loaded and feed into the weather routing software, we should get the Trade Winds kicking in to our projected position at around 1800 tonight. If this is accurate then we may decide to go for the Rhumb line route to Antigua. This will save us a couple of hundred miles over the more southerly route we have been aiming for so far. It is a bit more of a risky strategy, because the weather is less stable at that higher latitude. We will study all the available weather data and then have a team talk tonight to decide.


Onwards and upwards………