WE ARE getting there.......08:47:81S 132:56:74W (Resent due to Posting Failure at Mailasail)

It has been a bit of a mixed bag with respect to the weather
over the last 24 hours. Wind has varied from only 8 knots to 20 knots and
has been from NE around to the SE. With both sunshine and some rain. We managed
a 173nm 24 period for the last recorded 24 hours. 419nm to go now until
the WPT off Nuku Hiva. One event was remarkably co-incidental. You may recall I
mentioned the Taiwanese fishing boats that are referred to as the “Wall
of Death” boats. These are the ones which trail fishing lines with bailed
hooks for up to 4 nm behind them. Well guess want, we ran into one today. Not
quite literally, but it got worryingly close. Twice! On the first occasion he came across our bow and was
obviously expecting us to get out of his way. As we were downwind sailing,
Goose Wing with poled out We have enjoyed some lovely scenes out here in the Pacific.
Stunning sunsets and sun rises. Also amazing Moon lit nights. Sadly neither
Jennie or I have managed to get a decent picture of this due to the low light
levels and the rolling boat. Both last evening and this evening we have been visited by
Dolphins. Lots of them. These had Dorsal fins in the shape of a scimitar. They
were the size of Bottle Nose Dolphins, but on checking the Whale & Dolphin
books I think they were Pantropical Spotted Dolphins. Very good show they
put on too! The computer is telling me that our ETA in Huku Hiva is 0345
on the 27th March. It can’t be soon enough now, for both
of us! It has been a kind trip but deadly boring and very tiring. |