SAILING AT LAST............The BALLY ARICS 38:54:79N 01:27:54E

We departed So we left it too late to arrive in Alicante in day light, added
to which the weather forecast for the overnight period and for today, looked
like we just might get to do some sailing. The new plan was hastily russelled
up, and we decided to go for a 165 NM passage straight to Two hours after departing we ran into favourable
WIND. Full rig up and 6.7
knots SOG, in 10 knots apparent wind, on dead flat water. Near perfect sailing
conditions. I was so happy and emotional after weeks of bloody motoring I could
have wept. (Actually nearly did. I had no idea just how frustrated I had
become, by the lack of sailing). Especially when we were blasting out “Sailing” by Rod Stewart, and
every other sailing related song on the iPOD. After some fours hours sparkling sailing, the wind turned
cyclonic and made sailing near on impossible, so we motored, had diner in the
cockpit (Jennie’s best Shepherds Pie). Yumm. There was a very moody sunset last evening, and although the
old saying is “Red sky a night,
Shepherds delight”, (nothing to do with the pie), we had a
sense of foreboding that we were in for (yet) another challenging night in the
Med’. I elected to put Jennie on the first watch (generous to a
fault), and came back on watch at midnight, to discovered the wind that had got
up whilst crew was on watch , that had been on the nose, was now on the port
beam. So much to the pleasure of the crew, I got the sails out with a
fair chunk of reefing as it was 25knts apparent, gusting 30. The boat just took
off and for the next nine and half hours we just charged along through
the night, with BTW speeds of 8.5 to 9 knots. Just stunning. Best sail we have
had this year, and right up there with the best 10 ever. By the time I
went off watch there was a permanent grin on my face and boy did I sleep well
for a couple of hours. We opted to go to On checking the boat over in the morning light I discovered
a stow away. Biggest fish the boat has caught so far. A grounded Flying
Fish. Hmmm, grilled or fried Madam……. Shortly after this the wind died on us so I motored into Sadly, well not actually, all three marinas in the Bay were
full. So we are in the bay next door at anchor. Cala Talamanca. Bit
rolly but very peaceful. Fully sorted out by 13.15. 155nm in 25 hours. Not bad
at all given most of it was SAILING, and we had a foul tide for virtually all
of the trip. Brunch was yet another gastronomic miracle from the crew.
Hot Garlic Prawns and oven fresh bread, with a light refreshment to help it on
its way. Then it was a much needed siesta. Hope to “do” the chapter on Gibraltar tomorrow,
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