San Antonio - Ibiza 38:58:37N 01:18:09E

We departed the anchorage south west of Sabina on Formentera
at 1100 this morning. Lovely spot with crystal clear water. Crew even
dangled her legs in the water last evening. She doesn’t do cold so it
must have been roasting. Well actually 77 degrees F. This is now a nature reserve, and has eel grass beds where
fish can breed and the young have a chance to grow. Consequently it is no
longer possible to anchor here. But the Balearics department of Nature,
provides mooring buoys. There is also a guard in a rib to ensure everyone
complies and also to assist as necessary. It was also free. As the sun set and we were enjoying a relaxing drink in the cockpit,
a 44 foot catamaran, from a local charter company came in. There were 11 people
on it, including a baby and a 3 year old. They did not have a clue what they
were doing. All of the crew on the boats already moored up watched in
fascination at the antics of this rabble as they tried to tie up to the only
vacant mooring buoy left. (20 metres in front of us). They even dropped their
anchor to stop the boat moving around whilst they attempted in vain to secure
themselves. Two of the women on the boat became completely hysterical. It
was hard to believe that just one boat and 11 souls could cause such
pandemonium. The peseta resistance
was when they launched their RIB dingy (very easy on a cat), and then the guy
in it managed to get stuck underneath the bridge of the CAT. This caused all of
the people on board to collapse in mirth and the poor chap was left to extract
himself and the dingy all on his own. Then the baby started to cry. At that
point, the Swan 60 foot yacht next door, with professional crew, stopped having
dinner to release their mooring and move off elsewhere. We nearly did the same,
but it was dark by then. So to drown out the noise, I put on Pink Floyd (Dark
side of the Moon) at full volume for the next 30 mins. (Which I enjoyed enormously).By
then they had got the message and had gone below and gone quiet. Either that or
they didn’t like Pink Floyd. No taste eh……….. The weather today was not as forecast, so the planned beam
reach did not materialise until the last 5 miles of the 30 mile passage to But as we rounded Isla Conejara on the waypoint for In the Off at 0600 tomorrow for the 75NM passage to One other point. . Had the last of the Luscombe
organic “hot” Ginger Beer today. Great |