Nuku Hiva in detail - Part 2. 13:00:50S 144:14:03W

To catch up on the blogs, before our arrival in Manihi, I am
penning this one during the daytime. The other reason for doing this during the
day is that it is cooler below and more to the point out of the sun! WE are
REALLY missing the Herman Melville??? Yes the same one that wrote Moby Dick.
Did you know he lived in the Marquesas for several years….having jumped
ship from a whaling ship on which he was crew. He allegedly got several of his
ideas for his books here……….. Paul Gauguin. The same one who nearly died working as a
labourer on the The other thing that we will most definitely remember Nuku
Hiva for was the fun and the parties. Do bear in mind we had just finished a
mega ocean passage, so there was a universal need to let off steam, and to get
some much needed exercise. Particularly for the right arm, which due to the
sailing N’ drinking embargo on passage, had come in for some serious
atrophy! There were in fact three official gatherings in A few days later, the mayor of Taiohae, organised a formal reception
and party for us on the quay in the village early one evening. Here we
were treated to a wide variety of local dishes, and fruits as well as a local
fruit punch. This was followed by the local native dance troupe once again.
Only this time, more of them! Their enthusiasm and commitment was palpable….
The lighting made photography almost impossible, but hopefully
you will get a flavour of the dancing……Anyway, still photography
simply cannot convey the sensuousness of those twitching hips. The girls move
well too………………….. After this event we decamped to our favourite restaurant
with some friends. We were then joined by the mayoral party, who gave us their
floral head gear as a gift. After some refreshments these came in handy for
making our own cabaret. Next up it was the formal party and Pig Roast at Rose Corser's
new yacht club. This building was in fact not ready as a new facility, so we
had to make allowances for that. This however did not stop everyone making the
most of the occasion. The Pigs are roasted slowly in a pit, dug in the grounds especially
for the occasion. This hole approximately 2 metres wide and 4 metres long and 2
metres deep. A fire is lit in this and when all the wood is reduced to glowing
embers, a thick layer of lava rocks are added to the bottom. This is covered
with banana tree leaves, before the prepared pigs are lowered into the hole,
with various other goodies, and then the whole lot covered up with more leaves.
It is then left to cook for about 4 hours. Then slowly the cooked food is revealed.
This is considered a very important delicacy by the locals
so there was much excitement over the event, and many villagers came along to
watch proceedings. The pigs themselves tasted yummy, but the cooked fruit and veg'
did not do it for me. But as you can see below, we all had a whale of a time………..
The evening was then rounded up by more native dancing. This
time they really went for it and it was a thrilling end to the “party”
season in Next, |