Lagos - Still!

Marina de Lagos We had a ball with the grandchildren and Mum and Dad. We
spent an enchanting night in a tiny anchorage, adjacent to Alvor. Surrounded by
sandbanks, and near to a nature reserve, but only five minutes by dingy from the
village. Alvor is a splendid place, and packed with restaurants and bars. On the second day there we rigged up the Then it was back to Marina de Lagos, and more onshore
entertainment for the kids. Our final trip with them was to Portimoa. We
stopped off along the way, and anchored off a headland with dramatic and scenic
cliffs. Our chosen spot was in about 5 metres of water. It was baking hot so we
dropped down the bathing ladders, floated off a safety line and buoy and then
Jennie, Sarah and the kids all jumped off the boat (in to chilly water), and
had a good splish splash around the boat. Ellie and Jessica swam for the first
time in the open sea, and Jennie finally realised her dream of swimming off our
own boat. Then both she and Sarah circumnavigated
Zipadedoda…………… It was all very inspirational. Nick finally got into the water (and being a real star),
agreed to dive under the boat and check out the status of the sacrificial anode
on the Maxprop. Shock horror it was gone. Dissolved in less than 5 months.
Clearly we have a problem with electrolysis on the boat. (see later) We had intended to moor up in Portimoa, on the East side of
the estuary, but it was very windy out of the West and would have been too
uncomfortable to anchor there for the night. So we motored back to Our last day with Ellie and Jessica was spent on the beach.
Sand castles, paddling and frolicking by the sea. A good time was had by
all!! The grandchildren departed back to Our plan was to have the engine, generator and gearbox
serviced last Saturday and then depart for the We spent Sunday having an idyllic day on the beach near to Monday the engineer arrived back and work progressed
methodically. The horror was the generator. It seems that one of the fins off
the sea water impellor of the coolant system had broken off and it is now
lodged inside the generator engine, blocking the cooling system. Roolf is due
to come back at 1500 today and “hopefully”, we will be able to
unblock the system and getting everything running once more. With the help of a local engineering services company, I
managed to track down a spare Zinc anode for the Maxprop. Having secured this
part on Monday morning, the fun bit was then hiring a scuba kit with a view to
diving over the side in the marina and replacing the anode. Hiring the kit was
easy (once I was able to prove I am a Padi rescue diver). I was then advised
that I had to get authorisation to scuba dive in the marina. That was tough.
But it was the easy part really. Diving in the marina was dreadful. The water
was disgusting and vis was terrible. (I am used to diving in The next thing to report is that according to the guide
books for This delay is seriously eating into our planned time in the So fingers crossed we will be sorted out with the generator
tonight and on our way in the next 24
hours……………………. |