Tail of Two Fishes 36:18:22N 003:41:65W

Just a short note to update on progress. Full report on After leaving I had as usual deployed the fishing line, and also as usual
did not expect to catch anything. So much so that I had forgotten is was out
there. At around 1800 hours last evening, we were trolling along at around 8
knots, and I was contemplating waking the crew up to reef the main. Then there
was this very loud whizzing come screeching noise from the reel on the fishing
rod. Given that we were doing 8 knots I thought there was no way it could be a
fish, and that we had probably caught a fishing net or the likes. Crew shot up
on deck with the various paraphernalia to get the line reeled in, and reefed
both foresails, whilst I concentrated on trying not to loose my tackle over the
side (if you will pardon the _expression_). After a couple of minutes reeling in, I saw this huge fish
leap out of the water some 150 metres behind us. Reality then dawned………How
the hell am I going to get this brut in, and what do we do with it then?????
After battling with it for some 20 minutes we had it about 20 metres behind us.
Thrashing around on the suffice one minute than diving deep the next. The boat
was still doing some 6 knots on just the main sail and the wind (Murphy strikes
again) was getting up. So it was VERY hard work. Meanwhile cew was desperately trying
to get a picture of it on the surface. (We have loads of pictures of the sea
now) As we got the fish nearer we managed to determine that it
was a Dorado (The Golden one) and it was a livid golden and luminous green
colour. It was also well over a metre long………..After working
him for some 30 minutes, my arms were starting to shake. It was truly hard
work, and crew was becoming increasingly concerned about how we would get it on
board and what we would have to do to dispatch it once aboard. In the event, after a struggle of 35 minutes our fish
managed to snap a 50lbs breaking strain line. So that is a clue as to how big
it was. So it was a bit of a mixed blessing. On the one hand it would have been
great to land such a magnificent specimen, on the other the mayhem that would
have resulted in getting on board was something we could have done with out!! The second fish was a flying fish who landed around 2000. After
some flapping about I managed to catch it and then returned him to the sea. My
good deed for the day. We have chicken curry for dinner tonight, courtesy of Anne
Hartshorn . Thank you Anne, really looking forward to it!! We are now on passage to Until the weekend then…………………….. |