Academy Bay, Puerto Isdro Ayora, Santa Cruz, Galapagos Islands. 00:44:87S 90:18:46W

Zipadedoda of Dart
David H Kerr
Sun 2 Mar 2008 23:07

It was a wonderful feeling to see land once again, as the first of the Islands (San Cristobel) in the Galapagos chain came into view. We both found it quite hard to come to terms with the fact that here we are in the Galapagos, and we did it all on our own, in our trusty Contest 48CS.  It was actually a very emotional moment for us, especially after such a gruelling and difficult passage.  All 1029nm of it!



So it was a very special moment when we raised the Ecuadorian Courtesy flag……….


  (Just to prove I am “Straight” really……………….)



As we came in to anchor, which you have to do bow and stern here, Jennie spotted a Turtle by the bow of the boat, closely followed by a Sting Ray!.


The wind was on the beam , so anchoring with the bow first and motoring back was not an option, as with the wind and prop walk, the boat would have simply swung around at right angles to where we needed to be. So at the last minute, Jennie took the helm and I threw the stern anchor, with 20 metres of chain, and 40 metres of line off the sugar scoop, and then tied off the line to a primary winch. As soon as this anchor was well and truly bedded in, we dropped the Bow anchor and then slowly motored back, whilst taking up the slack on the stern anchor. All worked a treat. Mind you, retrieving the stern anchor with all that chain will prove to be an interesting job when we want to leave. No doubt  one that will provide me with plenty of cardiovascular exercise…..


It is a beautiful anchorage, with Iguanas swimming in the water, as well as Sea Lions. One of the things you can’t do is leave your dingy out over night, as you are liable to find it has a 500lb Sea Loin , with attitude, in  residence in the morning. Once they have squatted then you have a problem………Apparently the smell real bad too!



Last night we went of to a restaurant that over looks the bay. Together with most off the other Ralliers who had arrived by then.  It was quite a night! Lots of hugs and kisses all around and there was a need for people to really “relax”. It was a great night but I most definitely did not enjoy this morning!


We spent the day doing boat chores and attempting to fix the various issues we have on the boat. I managed to get the generator going this evening, but the bendix spring broke as it started , so we gave it a good run to heat some water, and tomorrow I will try to get an engineer to change over the starter motor, as I now have a spare one.


So now I am off to enjoy a warm shower, and then we shall hail a water taxi and explore the town to find a suitable restaurant. I believe there is one that is called the Rock. Don’t think it will be like the one in Chiddingstone, but I am sure they will have good sea food!


On Sunday we are decamping to a luxury cruise boat to tour the Islands. We will be back on the 3/4th March. So in the meantime we will not be blogging!  But upon our return I shall have a surfeit of wild life pictures for you. Well I most sincerely hope so!