Atlantic RnR 23:43:45N 21:04:01W

It was a lovely day. Sunny with a gentle breeze. Getting
warmer by the day. Easy and relaxing sailing, but not a lot of progress towards
Just gently reaching in 10 to 12 knots of true wind. We saw a Whale’s spout in the distance and also a Sail
Fish jumping clean out of the water about 300metres away. Decided to fish all day. Used a grey and red lure for most
of the day, with no luck and then changed to a yellow and green one. Within a
couple of minutes we had a taker. Literally! It took all 300mtres of the line,
even after I applied the brake, it just kept on running. All gone, with a
bare reel within less than a minute. I guess the sailfish might have been the
culprit, but we shall never know. Mercifully I have a large reel of spare line,
so we both loaded up another 400m (extra length this time for more manoeuvring
time). Then tried a red and green lure (avoided yellow), and had no
takers. Still we have another 2322nm to go so there is always tomorrow…………………… |