Well it had to come to an end! + Galapagos Part X 07:57:72S 122:29:10W

WE have had a simply splendid run of sparkling sailing.
Sadly, like all good things, it had to come to an end. The wind has now dropped
and we are rolling along, downwind sailing in 10 knots of breeze from the East.
This means the apparent wind is about 4 to 6 knots, and there is a bit of a sea
running. So, it is not at all comfortable. But it is warm, dry and there is a
wonderful full moon to light our way. We are also still enjoying the benefits
of the south equatorial currents, and this is helping us along to the tune of
half a knot at this time. We have caught up or overtaken a number of boats that
left several days before us, and most of the boats that left at the same time as
us are a long way behind us. So we have been blessed with the sailing to date.
The forecast for the next few days is for this weather to stay, so it now looks
like we are in for a bit of a long haul before we get into Nuku Hiva. Hey
ho, the joys of sailing…………. Also typing a blog at 2 in the morning being thrown side
ways at 45 degrees, then lifted out of your seat to do a nose dive across the
chart table, does make for some spectacular typo’s, but I am sure you are
too polite to mention them…….. So, onwards with the continuing saga of the Galapagos Odyssey……………… It was a dull and overcast afternoon when we made our
wet landing on this stunning white sandy beach. On this beach was (another)
colony of Sea Lions. They were remarkably tame and the Bull seemed reasonably
at ease with us all tramping around on “HIS” beach. He even allowed
a new visitor into his Harem……….. Once again we were to meet several Iguana’s. These, in
common with all the other Land Iguana’s on the various Islands had
markings that were unique to this particular Whilst we were watching this Iguana munch through his lunch,
I happened to look up into the Cactus tree above him to see if there were any
more flowers available for him. I then saw what I at first thought was a Lava
Lizard. However, our guide Diego
got very excited and pointed out that this was in fact a baby Iguana. This is
apparently a very rare sight at this time of the year. So I took several hundred
pictures to celebrate the occasion. He/she was about three to four
inches long, from nose to tail. Not quite fresh from the egg, but very young. Note how his armour plated body protects him from the spines
of the Cactus, even at this young age. Just look at those rinky dinky fingers………. Meanwhile, back on the beach, it was a pleasure to see an
Oyster Catcher dabbling at the waters edge. Took me right back to “our”
beach on the The other “thing” this beach is noted for is
breeding Turtles. WE did see several of these graceful beauties in the water,
but no signs of mating pairs here. This despite Dorothy’s best efforts to
entice them ashore……….. This was followed by a welcome snorkelling session, in the
crystal clear waters off this beach. Not that many fish this time. So it
was back to the boat for a shower, a sun downer and yet another gastronomic masterpiece
from Otto the chef. We were once again due to make an overnight passage to our
next destination. |