BWR - Day Two. 32:24:23N 10:25:81W

hgAn alternative Title to this Missive might be “The One that Didn’t Get Away!” But first, a round up of day two. It was a good second 24
hour period with some 171nm covered. For part of which I have to confess we
used our secret sail, AKA Perkins. The winds had died to nothing last night and
we had put the second reef in the Main sail in anticipation of strong winds
over night. These in fact did not materialise until around 10 45 this morning.
The day itself was warm and sunny (most of the time) and we were blessed with a
serious intervention by a Dolphin Patrol.
To cries of “Dolphin alert,
Dolphin alert,” we
raced to the bows to watch the spectacle.
This picture was the best I managed after some 25 minutes
and taking over 47 pictures of this pod. There were between 20 and 30 Dolphins
and it was a bit like the Gerry Rafferty song, with the words…….. “Jokers to the left of us, jokers
to the right, stuck in the middle with you”. It was
a thoroughly up lifting experience, and just what we both needed as neither of
us had slept the night before and were feeling a bit jaded. WE were also entertained by a magnificent sunset, which we
hoped would bode well for the next day (today).
But the At around 0830 I heard the reel on the fishing rod start
screaming, as it let go the line under brake. This time I had the tension set
to 15lbs, so I was hoping the fish would not snap the line. As we were motor
sailing at the time, we cut the engine, and I then proceed to reel in the fish
as Jennie prepared the instruments of dispatch. This being on the
assumption I might actually land this one. The instrument of dispatch being a
bottle cap fill of Gin. This should be administered into the gills, for an
instant kill, or so we had been told.
After about 15 to 20 minutes the fish gave up and as we got
it to the stern of the boat it became clear we had caught a magnificent Dorado.
Quite a beautiful creature. I hauled it onto the aft deck, and did my best to hold it
down as it thrashed around all over the place, whilst Jennie attempted to place
a cap full of the best Gordon’s in its gills. Not an easy matter,
on a heaving deck I can tell you!! It became clear quite quickly that who ever said one cap of
Gin makes for an instant kill was talking complete bollocks. It took about a quarter
of a bottle to quell this 6 kilo beauty. I was quite jealous…………Goodness
know how much Gin it would have taken to kill the monster that got away from us
last month………………
The other myth that we dispelled is that the application of
Gin ensures you do not mess up your pristine teak decks with the fishes blood
and guts. The aft deck looked like a scene from the “ Jennie did a fantastic job of filleting it. She had
learned how to do that from Kevin at Moby Nicks fish mongers, in
The next fun item on the agenda was to decide what we were
going to have for Diner tonight. And tomorrow night and the night after………………………… It is windy now, with a NE force 6, and 3 to 4 metre waves.
So, not all that comfortable. As soon as the crew gets out of bed we will have
a go at getting the Genoa pole out once more, and see if we can make a
dead run for Lanzarote……..a mere 250nm to go. Got to go now, I have a fish to eat…………………………… |
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