Life in Lagos

I was reminded yesterday that the last up-date to the
Blog was on the 24th July. So it is high time we corrected that
omission……………………… Talking of high
time……………….. We had decided it was necessary for a trip up the
mast to get some lubricant onto the sheaves. I donned the bosons chair and
Jennie hauled me up as far as the first cross trees on the mast. I then made
the mistake of looking down. As I don’t “do” heights, this
was all too much for me, so as you can see from the picture above the “crew”
volunteer for the erection up the mast. Better man than me I can tell you!! To put this in context, the mast on Zipadedoda is 73
feet tall. And yes you’ve guessed it she went all the way. Well she would
wouldn’t she. On her return to earth, her comment was “That’s
the biggest thing I have had between my legs……today!” My brother Ian arrived last Tuesday for a spot of
R&R. As you can see he had no inhibitions about getting on with the
business of chilling out on the boat. On arrival he commented about the spectacular picture
we had put on the blog of the Monkfish Kebab that Jennie and I had previously
enjoyed in a restaurant in Alvor. So Jennie used that as the perfect
excuse to return to Alvor! Needless to say we had a stunning meal, and a good time
in Alvor, albeit the weather was VERY windy and chilly at night. Had to wear a
jacket for the first time in weeks. Whilst at anchor there we saw a Spanish Jeaneau 49
sailing yacht leave on a falling tide, at dusk. I commented at the time that
this was not the wisest thing to do in Alvor do to the shifting sandbanks and I
therefore assumed he had local knowledge. Wrong! The next morning I saw said
Spanish yacht high and dry on a sandbank. As it was spring tides, and he did
not anchor of into the deep water to stop the boat being pushed up the sandbank
we were really worried for him and so went off to do what we could to assist.
It was clear that despite some errors of judgement (there but for the grace of
….and all that), he clearly knew what he was doing and as we stood by him
the yacht slowly rose up on the rising tide with little or no damage.
Phew,,,,,,,, The only negative thing to report is that the Norvak
virus has been doing the rounds in Nothing quite as effective as the Norvak virus for
a crash diet!!! Ian will be returning back to No virus found in this outgoing message.