Marquesas, Nuku Hiva: 09:31:26S 140:18:35W

We departed from the Marquesas this afternoon, on route for
Manihi, in the The Marquesas are a fascinating group of Herewith a (very) brief back ground. There are thirteen
volcanic islands in the group, of which six are inhabited today. In the 17th
Century, these islands were inhabited by some 300,000 natives, who’s
primary occupation seems to have been fighting with their neighbouring
villages and tribes. Then along came the white man. First the Spanish, next the
Brits, then the Americans and finally the French, who colonised them. The
white man introduced many things. Christianity, monogamy, order (as we see it),
and best of all European diseases. Notably Small Pox, pneumonia and Venereal disease,
to which they had no natural resistance. By 1813 the population had dropped to
80,000 and by 1923 down to a 2,093! Then along came a caring committed French
doctor who built a hospital in Nuku Hiva, and set about eradicating disease and
improving infant mortality. The population today stands at more than 8,000. Although the Marquesas are part of French Polynesia and in
effect administered from What is very clear is that the locals benefit greatly from French
“largesse”. I have never seen an island village such as Taiohae,
where the locals live in quite basic houses, constructed of wood and corrugated
tin sheets, or simple banana tree leaf roof’s………, but
drive around in new Land Rover Discovery’s and Defenders and new Toyota
4 x4 pick up trucks. By all accounts they get and 80% subsidy for these and a guaranteed
7 year bank loan. But other than working in government related jobs or in
Restaurants and shops, there is no industry to speak of. So they are poor. But the
place is expensive. A tin of local beer is £3. A cabbage is about £2 a bottle
of fresh (concentrate) orange juice is around £4.As for French wines…….£45
for a bottle of Chablis in a restaurant! Needless to say we fund the Chilean
perfectly acceptable! Tourism is not at all well developed. Partly because it is
so far from anywhere. Partly because it is French speaking, so Americans tend
to avoid it. But also due to the fact that there are no accessible yellow sandy
beaches, and even if there were. You then have to worry about going for a swim,
because there are Tiger and Hammerhead sharks to play with……….But
the icing on the cake is the NoNo fly. This is a tiny sand fly, that is active
during the day. They are so small that they can defeat mosquito netting. But
thy bite well above their weight (I am
scratching just thinking about them). But the really nasty part is
that if you scratch the bites they become septic and can then cause you serous
infections….which can last for up to six months. Oh, and then at night
there is the regular mosquito to play with. But the good news is there is no
malaria in the whole of The other thing for the visiting yachts person is the need
to raise a bond with the local bank, lodged with the authorities on arrival.
This is to be valued at the cost of an economy class airfare from your home
port….for each crew member. So, if we had arrived as an independent
cruising yacht, we would have had to lodge some £5,000 with the bank on
arrival. (BWR sorted that out so that we were not troubled on that front. In
fact the clearance was simple, easy and a pleasant experience).The good news is
that you get it back. AFTER you leave But we loved it!! So clean and so tidy. No garbage in sight
anywhere (except where visiting yachties had dumped it). The people are fascinating
and unusual. They are noble and very laid back. The climate is kind, average
temp 27°C, with quite a lot of rain. The landscape just stuning. They are very keen horse men. They let them roam all over
the place, but each one is owned. They use them for hunting wild pig, which is
a major delicacy and part of any festivity. More of which anon. The Tiki Sites are truly amazing. This was at a large Tiki site in the north of Nuku Hiva, The
raised platform where I am standing would have had the main dwelling on it. The
stone area in front was the terrace. From this terrace, the residents of this
home could watch festivities and events such as markets on the common area in
front. This same site was littered with Tiki “God”
symbols. It also had the largest Banyan tree I have ever seen. When the Christian Missionaries first made it to this site
with camera’s, back in the 1920’s. This tree was decorated with 100’s
of skulls……………….human ones that is. Apparently
they were rather partial to missionaries. The local name for them being “Long
Pigs”. This was not a derogatory term. It was because they tasted like
pig, only longer! I will not go into details here about how they kept the food,
or how it was cooked… they needed it (bit at a time). But in the
next issue I will detail the local dancing and feasting with pictures……of
short pigs! Until then……………… |