Equator Bound ....Still! 01:04:86N 86:35:21W

This is the second longest passage we have undertaken since
Today and as I write we still have revolving rain storms,
but thankfully no lightening this night. It is hard to believe that we are only
64 nm north of the equator. There is a tradition of dressing up to celebrate crossing
the line (as it were). Jennie had planned to dress me up as a girl (worrying connotations here. Been too long at sea, me
thinks). Apparently it’s the tradition on one’s first
time….across the Equator. Need to pay homage to Last night saw some particularly heavy stormy squalls. So
bad in fact that in addition to the usual smattering of Flying Fish on
the decks in the morning, we also had our first Cuttle Fish, an out of focus
one at that!
We tried sailing today, but gave up in raw frustration. The
current and winds conspiring to make beating a waste of time. Even tried
beating and motor sailing at the same time with the engine just above idle
speed . But that was just crazy, so we have been motoring since around 1100 am
with a reefed main sail, to stop the boat rolling in the confused seas. Despite
this we are still making painfully slow progress at typically 4.5knots SOG or
less. BUT we HAVE to do everything we can to conserve fuel as the local currents
in Galapagos can be awesome. For example if we get a foul current of say 4
knots as we approach the islands we will consume fuel at an alarming rate to make
any sort of progress. The course computer is telling me that we shall arrive at
the waypoint in The latest generator problem turns out to be a blown
microprocessor on the control pcb. Fischer Panda say this was caused by a bad connection
on the battery terminals for the generator starter motor or a dodgy isolator
switch. It is not possible to check either of these whist under way, as much
surgery is required to get at either item. Personally I suspect that is a red
herring and that it is more probable that RFI from the SSB radio got into the PCB
and the surge blow the chip. Or it just plan failed! Anyway, we managed to
arrange to get a replacement to Hey ho, got to go and make another cuppa to help keep the caffeine
levels up……………….and to raid the larder for
another Jammy Dodger!! |