Bayona - Hurray

Zipadedoda of Dart
David H Kerr
Sat 10 Jun 2006 10:43

Bayona – 10th June


Chilled out in the Marina, and recovering from a rather competitive night. Had the official welcome party and obligatory Sangria at the yacht Club. Two of the smallest boats have still to arrive, but all is well and we expect them to come in this afternoon.


Went into town last night, and found a really nice restaurant where half of the other crews were “pugged up” having Paella. So we joined in and made a party of it. The crowd then moved back to the yacht club bar. Unfortunately we discovered they had a fine bottle of Lagavullin single malt whisky. This took quite a beating and we did not get back to the boat until about 0300 this morning.


The knock on the head I obtained on Tuesday night has now produced a stunning black eye. Jennie is quite jealous of the colours………………….


We have a refrigeration engineer on the boat this morning fixing the freezer. It turns out that the company in Dartmouth that last serviced it, had two pipes connected around the wrong way. Nice one Nick!! What is baffling is that another company in Plymouth spent several hours on the boat checking and re-gassing the freezer just before we set sail, and they missed the fact that the pipes were cross connected.


Once that is sorted we shall venture into town to get replacements to re-stock the freezer


Tomorrow will be our last day in Bayona. There will be a prize giving and Tapas on the Yacht club  lawn, then no doubt another party afterwards.


Then it’s a day sail to Povoa de Vazim, as the floating caravan heads south to the sun……………………




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