Magnificent Manihi, Tuamotu's. 14:27:00S 146:01:00W

The Tuamotu’s cover a vast area in the South Pacific.
In past centuries, navigators referred to them as the Dangerous Archipelago,
due to the ever present danger of unchartered reefs and coral heads. There are
some 76 inhabited Atolls. Each of these is an enclosed coral reef, with a
number of Motu’s (or low The Imray “South Pacific Anchorages” pilot book says
of Manihi, and I quote “I cannot
recommend this Atoll. Blah blah”. What a load of tosh!!! I don’t
think I have ever read a more incorrect or out of date pilot book. This is also
the current version! Anyway, despite this pilot book, and because of other
factors we went to Manihi. What a fantastic decision that was! This Atoll is everything you could ever dream of as a paradise
in the south Pacific. That said it was once again a real benefit being a
part of the Blue Water Rally. The reason this time was that one of the Rally
Directors, Peter Seymour has a friend, who until two years ago was the Naval
Commander of the French Navy in the South Pacific. Then the navy wanted to
promote him and move him from Tahiti, back to We had sailed down to Manihi in company with our buddy boat “Anahi”.
As we arrived off the pass, Fernand, appeared in his boat to act as pilot and
guide us through the pass and across the lagoon to the anchorage on the East
side of the lagoon.
As we had a more powerful engine than Anahi, it was decided
that we would go first and follow Fernand, with Anahi behind. The reason being
that the current outflow when we arrived was around five to six knots and the
channel only has around a metre of clear water under our keel at low
water. Needless to say the dependable Perkins performed perfectly and we
just powered our way through the race, and followed our pilot boat to avoid any
nasties. Anahi followed a couple of hundred metres behind us, and all
went perfectly. In fact the channel is well marked and the only real danger
is a small coral head in the middle of the channel at the northern end,
which is well marked by a Northerly Cardinal mark. The normal way to proceed to
the anchorage is to then follow the navigation marks around the eastern side of
the lagoon, to the anchorage. But Fernand, who amongst other things also runs a
Black Pearl farm, knows these waters like the back of his hand. So he took us
on a short cut directly across the lagoon, dodging pearl farms, reefs and coral
heads, directly to the anchorage, which is in a sheltered spot behind a large
Motu, in 15 metres of water.
There were several other BWR boats already ensconced in the
anchorage. This was a lovely spot. With a nice cooling breeze. So after
anchoring over a coral bed ( very interesting and impossible unless you have
100% strong chain), we immediately got out the “marquee” so
we could get out of the direct sun, and enjoy some much needed shade. Needless to say, within seconds of arriving the VHF radio
burst in to life and there was much chat and plans being laid for events and “things
to do”, over the coming days. The plan for that evening was to have about
14 people go to the one and only “posh” hotel on the Atoll for
dinner. This was called the Manihi Pearl Hotel, and is on the south west side
of the atoll some 6 miles from the anchorage. It is beautifully constructed as
a tropical hotel with a lot of the hotel rooms built as thatched huts on stilts
over the waters edge. The restaurant was very attractive, but……….the
hotel had only 18 guests and the service was very disappointing and the meal of
average quality and VERY expensive. Fernand also operates a water taxi, and he took us there and
back for a very reasonable fee. Although the meal was disappointing and
the staff less than enthusiastic, we still had a great time with our Rally
chums. The next day was to be a beach cum lagoon day. This was to be
a VERY full and fun day, about which I will detail tomorrow. In the meantime
here is a taster of what it was like………….