Rangiroa 14:58:00S 147:38:00W

We are currently stuck in Marina Taina, Meanwhile, back to happier times. Rangiroa. This has
been our favourite place to date. We thought Manihi was fab’, but this
was one notch up the wow scale! Rangiro is the largest and most populous of the
Tuamotu’s. The lagoon is 45nm long and 18nm wide. There are two passes
into the lagoon. The largest being
On our first attempt, we did not get the angle of
entry right, and got a bit confused on the leading marks. As there were
standing wave over 2 metres high we decided to abort the attempt and so stood
off and had a cup of tea.. On our second attempt some 20 minutes later, the
waves were only 1 to 1.5 metres but at one stage the boat was surfing down a
rolling wave at just under 10 knots through the water, but we were only doing
3.3 knots over the ground. At this point good old Perkins was using all of his
135 horses!! The highlight of our trip through the pass was the
Dolphins. These are a local variety. About the size of Bottle Nose Dolphins,
but a light brown colour with cream underside. At first, as I saw one next to
the boat, I though it was a coral head……not a good moment. They
play in the surf and jump right out of the top of the waves. One of them jumped
right across the bow of the boat some 3 metres above the water, narrowly
missing our forestay!! The show was soon over and we motored another mile to
the anchorage opposite the Kia Ora hotel village.
This is a Pearl Hotel. It is everyone’s dream
of the perfect hotel in paradise! The food was good, but the prices are eye
watering. About £100 a head for evening meal with a bottle of wine. All
presided over by the most camp waiter I have ever seen!! This was a truly idyllic spot. The water was crystal
clear and we could see the anchor chain some 17 metres below the boat. The
water was teaming with fish. Every so often we would be treated to the Sooty
Tern Show………..
There were rafts of hundreds of these birds. Then a
shoal of small bait fish would appear at the surface, being chased and harried
by the Sea Bass, Unicorn fish and the like. This forces the Bait fish to the
surface where the Sooty Terns descend on them. Each feeding frenzy lasts no
more than 10 minutes, and the noise is deafening whilst it goes on. Then the
birds settle on the nearest yacht for a rest and to preen themselves. Very
pretty they are too, with their white fluffy patch on the top of their heads,
and long crossed beak. On our first day there we went to an enchanting small
restaurant that is on a deck, at the western side of the
The second one, on the right above, was an enormous
building given the size of the village and had the major advantage of being
really cool inside due to the fact that it had a really high ceiling and plenty
of ventilation. The following day, Terri from
The boats arrived in the shallows on the Muto, and we
waded ashore, through the crystal clear warm water (30°C), admiring the purple,
green, and yellow corals. Oh and the dozens of black tip reef
sharks…………….. As this picture clearly shows…..loads of
Sharks. A couple of seconds after this picture was taken, the chap with his
hand in the water grabbed a shark by the tail. He then threw it in the air!!!
One of his mates tried the same thing a bit later and got his timing wrong. The
shark bit off the top of one of his fingers…….frankly it served him
right in my opinion.
The setting is well, it just doesn’t get any
better, and as you can see from the picture, I was well and truly chilled out
and a very happy chappie. The boat boys lit the BarBQ, using drift wood and
dried coconut shells. They laid on a veritable feast, whilst we went off snorkelling
at the edge of the reef.
There were loads of different fish dancing around the
coral heads as the light shimmered through the indescribably beautiful water.
There were Rays too, and the odd Reef shark to add to the excitement. After lunch of fresh reef fish, marinated chicken,
salad, washed down with coconut milk from freshly cut coconuts and the odd beer
or three, one of the local chaps started drumming away on a log, and then
another joined in with an instrument reminiscent of the skiffle bands in the
They then tried to teach Bradley from Hakuna Matata
how to play it……. At the end of the day it was back to the speed boats
for one last piece of entertainment before we departed once more for the
anchorage. This is the local form of waste disposal. The dustbins in this case
being the local sharks. This almost certainly explains why there are so many
sharks here.
These fellow Ralliers were (in my humble opinion)
daft enough to get in the water whist the boat boys threw the leftovers in to
the water in front of them.
As this was going on, the boat boy in the water with
the bucket full of food, suddenly threw the bucket and contents as far away
from the folks in the water as he could and told everyone to get back on the
boat as quickly as possible…..without splashing! The reason for this was
that the Reef Sharks had been joined by a pair of very large Lemon Sharks. Now
these chaps are VERY dangerous. In fact the Lemon Sharks started to attack the
Reef sharks, so nobody got hurt. But it could have turned into a very ugly
moment. The next day I booked to do a couple of dives. The
first of these in the morning on the outside of the main reef, near the
entrance to the
Then it was time to depart for Next Up. No virus found in this outgoing message.