Figueira Da Foz via Nazare

Figueira Da Foz via Nazare What a funny trip this one turned out to be! Our plan had been to get onto the fuel pontoon in Cascais
first thing in the morning, so that once the office opened for business at 0900
we could check out then get fuel and go on our way rejoicing. Best laid plans………………….
Left our berth at around 0845, to find a French yacht parked
right in the middle of the fuel pontoon (were you can easily get two yachts
normally), and to make matters worse the reception pontoon was also full and
the wind was blowing hard…off the pontoons. The French yacht realised the
error of his ways and after some time managed to move his boat forward by hand,
giving us just enough room to get onto the pontoon. The office duly opened at 0900 and we completed formalities efficiently
and quickly. However the man in charge of the fuel pontoon has slept in so we
were not able to start re-fuelling until just before 1000. Got away eventually,
fully fuelled up for another fun day, motoring into the prevailing winds. Crew and I had a team talk and decided we could not face
another visit to Peniche after our last visit where we had such a bad
experience with the trawlers. So I scrutinised the pilot books and came up with
the idea of stopping off for one night in Nazare before carrying onto Figueira
Da Foz to replenish stores at the open market here. Nazare claims to be the only all weather port on the whole
of the Portuguese Atlantic coast. It has very deep water right up to the
entrance. Once inside there is a small marina only for local yachts and a huge
commercial fish dock and market. Adjacent to this is Nazare marina. It is tiny,
with a capacity for around 50 yachts. The setting for the port is all 1960’s
style buildings. Lots off them. It is very big but also very sad looking and definitely
lacking TLC. The sort of place you would have expected to find in a Soviet
Russian port in the 80’. The pilot books advise you go onto the centre hammerhead out
of the three pontoons that run in parallel from the shore. The centre pontoon was
blocked off by ropes and semi-derelict rowing boats. Every where else was full.
As we were circling around a French catamaran was also looking for a slot. As
luck would have it there was a Nicholson 39, with a Within 5 minutes of arriving, a policeman cum soldier
arrived and instructed me to “follow him” and bring along all the
ships papers and passports. I discovered during the walk to the large official
looking (but run down) building, that he spoke little or no English, other than
to “follow me”. If a film had been made of us trying to communicate
I suspect I might have been sectioned! Once into the “barracks” there were what seemed like
dozens of soldiers and police men, all sitting around looking bored. It took
some 10 minutes to find the chap in charge, who spoke good English. He then set
about filling in all the various triplicate. The only time he
switched on a computer was to check the date! By this time I was having to bite
my lip to stop myself giggling. It was like being in a Bond movie send up. Once this process was completed I asked the chap about an
access code or key to get back through the security gate to the pontoon. I was
informed that was nothing to do with him, and I would have to walk to the main port
security building some 1 km away to get that! Great, well I needed some exercise
anyway. Once there, the guy at the gatehouse speaks no English, but insists
that we go through the whole process of filling out the forms once again. This
was definitely turning into a farce. Still I managed to keep my sense of humour
going, until that is he insisted on me “depositing either the ships
papers or a passport as security”. So I did the decent thing and gave him
Jennie’s passport. Crew was not amused!! Finally made it back to the boat after around a one hour marathon,
where upon Jennie served up a delicious meal. We then had one of the best
nights sleep we have had for quite a while. The fun continued the next morning. At 0800 we were awoken
by a buglelor sounding reveille.
I could not believe my ears. Was this really happening? Then at 0845 there was
a loud banging on the hull of the boat. I had just got out of the shower and
crew was indisposed. So I popped by head through the hatch to be greeted by a
very stern looking chap who in perfect English, albeit with a stammer, announce
that he was the Harbour Master, and the harbour was closed to yachts. Furthermore
the pontoons were unsafe and we were putting ourselves in danger by being
there. I said. “Good morning! He went onto explain that the ground tackle securing the
pontoons was rotten and that the whole lot could move off at any time. I dryly
observed there were rather a lot of quite large boats that appeared to be permanently
moored there, and had been for some time The conversation went down hill form
there. I was then asked to leave, (once formalities were completed)
immediately. Not without
the crew’s passport, mate. More than my life’s worth you know……………………….. So I trotted off back to the guard house, more exercise, to
be told that the passport was no longer there, but in the marina office. I had
to pay them the berthing fee before I could have the passport back. I then
trotted off to the other end of the port to cough up the Euros’ 31 (for a
closed marina with no faculties), to be given someone else’s passport. I
did not think the crew would see the funny side of that, so held out for the
correct passport. Much shuffling of paper later we got the passport. As we were
leaving I had the pleasure of bumping into the (British) harbour master. This
time he was a little more relaxed and explained how he had been waiting for
months for the Portuguese local government to repair the pontoons and also to
sort out the fuelling situation. He went on to explain that due to some dispute
or another they could no longer “bunker” large boats in the port.
This was particularly embarrassing for him as the Training ship TS Royalist had
come in that morning low on fuel, because they had been turned away from Peniche.
The matter has apparently been referred to the British consulate. Boy what an experience
of Portuguese beaurocracy that was. The trip to Figueira da Foz was once again all motoring, but
on a flat sea and a beautiful sunny day. More fun with immigration this time. I was questioned extensively
about why I have so many Arabic stamps in my passport. I think the problem is
that these guys are just bored and need some entertainment. I certainly now
fully appreciate what a wonderful job WCC did in organising Rally The crew certainly earned her keep last night I can tell
you!! Never seen her run around so quickly or pull so many strings. Be calling
her wonder woman next………………………………………. |