Maumere, Flores Island - 26 Aug to 4 Sept 2015
08:38.01S 122:18.52E We anchored off the Sea World resort close to the shore but in 22m as the bottom shelved steeply. It is a lovely, reasonably sheltered anchorage with a great hotel on the beach. The village fishermen still operate off the beach so we are surrounded by nets, floats and can watch them hauling the nets on to the beach at sunset. A surprising number of small sardine like fish seem to be caught every day and the markets are full of fish. The vegetables in the markets are excellent as well and everyone looks fit and healthy. Significant events during out stay here included: Meryon departing on 31 Aug for a 2 week holiday in Perth with Suzy. They will both meet us on 16 Sept in Labuan Bajo on the western end of Flores island. Carol and Hugh arriving also on 31 Aug. Carol for a two week holiday and Hugh to join the yacht right through to Singapore. Plus we began the tortuous process of getting our visas extended. The immigration staff were extremely difficult, despite instructions from Jakarta, and it was 6 days before Mike got his passport back and we could depart for Labuan Bajo. The up-side of the delay was a delightful anchorage surrounded by the whole rally fleet and the chance for Carol to meet everyone. Other highlights of the stay were David on Flour Girl and Will on Chantey filling several LPG gas cylinders (including two of ours) using a gravity feed from a much bigger Indonesian gas bottle hoisted up the mast on Flour Girl. Plus Kim from Flour Girl (a Master baker) giving Mike bread making instructions and a simple receipt to follow, with excellent results. |