New Years Day 2012 - Shirley Heights and the Reggae Goblins
Our first sight of land was Shirley Heights which rises above English Harbour and Falmouth Harbour. They have a party there every Sunday with a steel band playing before sunset and reggae afterwards. Carol and Mike went up after Mikes first crossing and felt that it was an important part of landfall this time. Even more special; it was New Years Day and we had Kit and Moyra with us. The steel band played. They looked fierce but they sounded fantastic . AMC Halcyon – probably worth a look on YouTube.
But what of the Reggae Goblins? They get into your head when the steel band is playing and start dancing when the reggae band comes on. They make you think that the rum punch is really orange juice and make you thirsty because you are dancing so much. So then you drink more orange juice only it is really rum punch and then you feel a bit tired so you go back to the boat and go to sleep. Then the reggae goblins get bored and go away again so you wake up around 2am with a massive headache and feel terrible for at least 24 hours. The reggae goblins only go for the people they really like the look of so it was only Carol who was lucky enough to get a visit. Next time she will be drinking Diet Coke. |