The Intra Coastal Waterway. Norfolk, Virginia to Oriental, North Carolina, 10 - 15 Nov 12

36:10.55N 075:53.5W When we came up through the waterway in May it had been thick cloud and rain the whole way. This time clear and sunny which was considerably better. We set off through the docks and under the bridges of Norfolk …..
Then back into more canals. The autumn colours were stunning and we enjoyed watching the birds although didn’t see any other wildlife. We heard on the radio that someone had spotted a bear! Rather than head straight to Beaufort, the stepping off point on the coast, we took the advice of the family we had met on Cajou in Norfolk and broke the journey in Oriental. Not only had they recommended the town they had made contact with the couple they had met there, Diane and Michael, and arranged for us to use their private jetty rather than anchor. Our intended two days stay turned into a fantastic ten days of new experiences and a whole lot of fun with new friends. But first we had to get up Whittaker Creek and alongside the jetty…… Note the green markers indicated the left hand side of the narrow and shallow channel. Or did they? We watched a yacht come out and apparently ignore them. Did this mean local knowledge or foolhardiness? Mike called them on the radio and they said the channel was navigable, it seems they had taken a short cut from their marina. They then suggested calling another marina further up the creek for more advice on what happens next. We did and were guided through which red and green to hug, not quite hug and stay away from altogether as we inched our way up with nothing showing on the depth gauge. Michael had helpfully hung a brightly coloured windsock on their jetty so we at least knew where we were aiming for and Mike wiggled our way in with calm aplomb finishing with a 180 degree turn and gentle glide up to the jetty where Michael was waiting to take our lines. Our departure was less elegant – more on that story later. |