Sitrep Day 3
23:32.9N 018:13.9W 406 nautical miles (467 land miles) passed and 485 (557 land ones) still to go. All well. The wind has been around 20 knots most of the time although it climbs to 28 ish and drops to 14 ish just to keep us on our toes. Currently we are rattling along on one headsail, partly reefed (wound in to make it smaller), but we pole out the smaller headsail here and there when the wind seems to be staying around 20 knots. Barrat the Hydrovane self steering gear is working well which reduces the amount of time we spend actually helming the boat to a few minutes here and there only. The waves are coming at us at 45 degrees from behind which means we have had a good old soaking a couple of times. The sun is shining from a clear blue sky so we are warm enough and dried out pretty quickly. It goes dark very early, around 5pm so we have moved eating our main meal from evening to lunchtime and then have a salad/snack box made up for later in the evening. This all reduces the rush in the evening to prepare Tashi Delek for the night sail part of which is having everything cleared away. We will probably just change the clocks to whatever suits us best after the Cape Verdes so we can go back to a leisurely evening meal once our crew arrive. We start our watches at 6 and are doing three hours each which is working well. We are both sleeping and waking up very easily already. It certainly took 3 days to get our sea legs back and get used to the rolling around again so we both resorted to the Scopolamine Patch behind the ear to reduce the sickness while we are acclimatising. Fantastic invention. |