The Crew Assembled - 04 Sep 11

Tashi Delek
Mike & Carol Kefford
Sun 4 Sep 2011 19:50

Meryon had been hard at work for a couple of days already but we allowed him five minutes off to come to the ‘airport’ (more like airfield) to meet Kit and Moyra who travelled so light that a trolley was dismissed as unnecessary for the 3 yard walk from arrivals to the airport door.




Kit and Moyra have just moved back to UK after 20 plus years living in Nepal.  Before leaving they had taken the trouble to seek out suitable gifts for Tashi Delek. Two ‘Katta’s’ (silk scarves given as a blessing), some rice wrapped in a Katta that had been blessed by a Lama (Buddhist priest) specifically to be thrown into bad winds to make them good and a fantastic, ritzy, glitzy solar powered prayer wheel that now turns away during daylight saying the prayers that are written on a long piece of paper inside it.  Perfect gifts for Tashi Delek.




The gnome in the picture is the legendary Seafaring Gnomey who has sailed with Kit and Moyra for years.  Although the years have taken their toll and he arrived without clothing or eyes and with very matted hair he still cuts a fine figure on the helm and will stay aboard all the way to Antigua.


Leaving the crew in charge Mike and Carol set off for Torremolinos humming Monty Python tunes and reciting sketches as we went.  We were on our way to the sailmaker to have some adjustments made to the mainsail.  We saw a Torremolinos unknown we suspect to John Cleese et al.  An industrial estate....




...and sail loft.




But we did have a few hours to kill so, with some trepidation, took ourselves down to the beach.  Out of season perhaps but actually not as dreadful as we expected.  Not a Sombrero or fluffy donkey to be seen.




We spent most of the time in a cafe next to this old advert for Coca Cola which amused us.  The caption reads ‘It relieves fatigue and excitement, and induces a spirit of thorough, restful satisfaction as delightful as Coca cola is to the sense of taste’.

