Underwater Sculpture Park, Grenada. 13 Apr 13

12:04.87N 061:45.7W One of the highlights of our trip with the boys was a visit to the underwater sculpture park on the island of Carriacou. We picked up a mooring ball a few hundred yards away and so were able to visit a couple of times and avoid the various tripper boats that came and went. This was towards the end of their visit so Jack and George were complete water babies by this time. They both swim competitively but didn’t have so much experience of open water. After two scuba dives, plenty of snorkelling, swimming with turtles and various trips out and down to check the anchor they were super confident and strong, just going straight down when they thought there was something to see…… The sculpture park was a surprise. It was in a sheltered bay but well away from any kind of civilisation so felt quite remote. The sculptures were very varied and spread out so you had to snorkel over quite an area hunting between the rocks and in the sand channels to find things. One area had what looked like Aztec tablets leaning on the rocks…..
George tries to get down far enough to sit on the park bench….