Quick Update

36:38.96N 5:22.17E Wed 08 Sep 10 Manganari – again! Tedious, lumpy crossing into the wind and waves from
Santorini to here on Monday 6th and the wind has been gusting
noisily ever since. Sooner or later it will calm down a bit more although
compared to a couple of weeks ago this is nothing. The temperature has dropped considerably to the point where
we are about to need a quilt on the bed and careful consideration is given to whether
we want to eat dinner outside or inside. We opt for outside as much as
possible but it is getting close. We leave tonight heading towards the island of Astiplana on
our way to Bodrum to visit the maritime museum there. It is about 60
miles so should take around 12 hours and will give us a chance to up our night
sailing hours. Todays big adventure is baking a cake in the pressure
cooker. Results will be reported in full in due course. |