Lovina, Bali to Karimun Jawa - 6 Oct
06:49.18S 114:09.75E Noon on the first full day. We left Lovina Beach at 1600 yesterday (05 Oct) together with Bali Hai (Jonathan and Dot – Aus) and Fruit de Mer (Gerrit and Anne Meike – NL) bound for the island group of Karimun Jawa. Hugh and I had hoped to leave by 1200 for the 350 mile passage but various things conspired to delay us, however, we were happy to leave in company. Meryon has stayed in Lovina to await the arrival of Dave on Alexes who he now single handed, and who Meryon is going to assist in taking the yacht to Singapore. We sailed until around midnight when the wind slowed and we put the engine on and motor sailed. The wind along this coast is notoriously light and variable so we suspect we will be motoring quite a bit. It is lovely having other yachts masthead lights in view and being able to see them using the AIS on the chart plotter. The first night of a passage is always a bit strange, re-adjusting to the routines and the change in sleep pattern with three hour watches after dark. |