Passage to Trinidad 4-5 March 2013

10:40.76N 061:37.89E We tore ourselves away from the Grenadines because we needed to be in Trinidad for Liz to catch her flight and Carol and Mike to hopefully get their visas for India. We had an excellent 29 hour passage and particularly enjoyed having Liz to take one of the watches. Six hours to sleep is so much better than three. We passed the gas rigs at night and they are quite a sight. It was exciting and fun to think on our first sight of land that this was the furthest south that Tashi Delek has ever been (10°north) we were within a peanut throw of South America (Venezuela). It was also pretty exciting when we saw a huge brown lump in the water, probably 2 metres long, and a very odd shape. As we got closer and it moved we realised it was a leatherback turtle. Almost prehistoric looking, unfortunately it dived before we could grab the camera.