Quick Update - Manganari Bay, Nisos Ios

36:39.36N 25:22.07E Anchored here overnight ready to move on to Santorini
tomorrow. Forecast had been for strong winds but no gale warnings so we
were a bit surprised by 40 knots plus of wind on the way over. Tashi
Delek sailed beautifully and we were heading downwind with the sun shining so it
didn’t feel too dramatic and the sea was less uncomfortable than the day
before so it was generally easier. The wind settled for the last hour but climbed again during
the evening and has been up and down the scale since which meant not a lot of
sleep as we took it in turns to do ‘anchor watch’ which involves
sitting on deck in life-jacket and harness keeping an eye on our position and
that of other boats around us to make sure we (or they) are not dragging the
anchor. We had some massive gusts on top of the gale so the anchor chain
got stretched a few times and the sea around us was a bit bouncy but we stayed
nailed to the floor and altogether pleased that Tashi Delek had passed another
test with flying colours. Just about to download another forecast to see what today
holds! |