Quick Update - Friday 25th April 2014

Tashi Delek
Mike & Carol Kefford
Sat 26 Apr 2014 21:07
Distance run over last 48 hours - 308 nautical miles
Distance run so far - 1313 nm
Distance left to run - 1608 We should pass half way tomorrow, downhill
after that.
Fish caught - 0 (still not put a line out)
Sea has been rougher for the last 48 hours. Nothing too dramatic but enough
to be annoying and uncomfortable making moving around the boat problematic
and cooking take a lot longer.
A couple of nights ago Mike had a close encounter with a Japanese fishing
boat that came up on our AIS (Automatic Identification System) while it was
still some miles away but with the warning that if we both held the same
course and speed we would pass within meters of each other. Too close.
Mike then spent some time making sure he was in a completely different bit
of sea. Today we have had a cargo ship on the AIS about 20 miles away so we
can't actually see it. He seems to be travelling the same course as us only
rather more quickly.
Interesting how cold it gets in the ocean. Always at night we need 2 - 3
layers but often during the day there is a chill in the wind.
We have spoken to Carol's Mum on the satellite phone and to Jemma to say
congratulations on successfully completing the incredibly gruelling Devizes
to Westminster canoe race with her friend Kay. They did it in 30 hours
which is a very creditable time and less than a year ago neither had been in
a Kayak.
Nothing else to report we are just chugging along and hoping that the sea
will settle enough for us to get some boat jobs done, catch up on emails and
the blog.
All's well.