Leander is in so here come the dignitaries. Firstly the Governor hanging onto her hat, escorted by the Chiefs of the Antigua Defence Force, Coastguard and Police.
Then the Prime Minister and Members of Parliament…….

The parade forms up……. |

And all is ready for Edward and Sophie to disembark…… (Flashy red silk lining on the suit there Edward) |

Notice the pot plants are not enjoying the wind! |
Sir Donald and Lady Gosling give a cheery wave to the Royals from Leander….

But, much more importantly, Tashi Delek and all on board get their own personal wave. Notice that they seemed to have run out of white paint on the bollard. |
The Earl inspected the parade and then walked back past our stern. I missed the photo of the exact moment but he exchanged a cheery ‘Morning’ with Alan and the assembled Tashi Delek company as he passed.

I took this shot after everyone had left to show how close we were and what a direct view we had……. |

It was all great fun. Very relaxed and well done. They let visitors in as usual so there were some surprised tourists around and just enough people to give the atmosphere without feeling crowded. This was the police presence…… |

And this was the transport for the band…… |

This is Prince Edwards equerry who we thought was very dull because he felt the need to tell us to ‘Shush’ while holding his finger to his lips. We were hardly making any noise at all. |

While the Royals were away Leander had another clean. This time at the very top (you can just see the Royal Standard flying) which required safety harnesses and a very long hose pipe. |