Quick Update - 21 Mar - Panama City

We are all set to leave Panama City for Galapagos in the morning. Provisioning done, contact made with more people we have heard on the radio nets but never met before, fun had, exploration done, checked out and good to go.
The winds look very light from the forecast so we will be driving at least some of the way unless things change but you can wait forever to get wind to Galapagos so we are just going to get on with it.
We are delighted to have Brad with us and his friend JM, especially for the new cocktail that Brad has introduced to our menu. Rum, lime juice, tonic and ice. It’s great – try it.
Champagne this evening though to celebrate Carols birthday.
We hope to update the blog every couple of days but emails are a bit wobbly at the moment so please don’t worry if nothing goes up.