Still windy
36:38.96N 25:22.17E Ormos Manganari, island of Ios about 20 miles from
Santorini. Still here and it is still very windy. As planned Viv and Tim caught the ferry across from Santorini
yesterday, did a bit of food shopping so we don’t need to live on pasta
and feta cheese alone and then caught a taxi to this bay. It was quieter
yesterday morning so Mike and I had gone ashore to check out where we could best
pick them up. About an hour before they arrived the wind got up
again and the sea got rough so we weren’t happy to take the dingy
over. Indeed we lashed the dingy front and back to try to ensure that id
didn’t flip over while the outboard was attached. While doing our recce we had spoken to two delightful Aussie
boys who were running the windsurfing shack on the beach so we suggested Viv
and Tim ask them if they would give them a ride over to us in their
speedboat. Fortunately they were very happy so to do and we managed to safely
transfer visitors and luggage on to Tashi Delek while bouncing up and down
getting blown around. So, Viv and Tim have arrived, with food so we won’t
starve but.... every weather forecast extends the time that the gale is
expected to last and it absolutely howled all through last night and is still
howling now so we are not going anywhere today either. Two nights into
their first sailing holiday and no actual sailing has taken place. Ho hum;
good thing we have all got books to read and lots to talk about and catch up
on. |