Quick Update. Arrival in Rotoava Village, Fakarava.

Tashi Delek
Mike & Carol Kefford
Mon 16 Jun 2014 06:47
16:03.66S 145:37.3W We arrived yesterday evening after a very early departure from Kauehi. In a squall. Through the pass that was a fantastic mix of currents, calm, waves, flat and whirlpools (very little ones, but whirlpools none the less). We watched Malua go through first, then us, then Sud Oest and finally Moana Roa. Allegedly it was slack water so it must kick up a real storm when the tide is running. We will stay for a couple of nights and then probably meander down the inside of the atoll to a couple more anchorages before we pop out of the south cut and on to Tahiti. |