Porto Santo is an Island north of Madeira but very different so we thought we would visit. This being our first Atlantic landfall we dug into the cellar for a bottle of champagne with Seafaring Gnomey who was still loyally in position in the cockpit.
After the champagne we set off to meet the courtesy car that would ferry us into the hills for dinner at a restaurant recommended by the Marina. Note shirts and long trousers – we can scrub up quite well when required.
The restaurant was excellent, serving flaming sausage, which we had had before in Tenerife and always enjoyed |
And limpets, which we had never had before but thought were worth a go. Grilled with garlic and lemon they were delicious. |
Meat on sticks as the main course. Equally delicious.
The restaurant was delightful, very reasonable and completely empty. They said that business has declined of late as they, like everyone, were affected by the downturn. Hopefully they can hang on in there. |