Quick Update. Passage from Vanuatu to Australia. Saturday 11 October 2014

Tashi Delek
Mike & Carol Kefford
Sat 11 Oct 2014 05:53
We have had the engine on pretty much the whole time since we left with
winds that can be best described as 'Light and variable'. Light, variable
and non-existent would also be accurate.
Looking on the bright side it means the sea is calm and we are still making
progress. We get the sails out, up, down, in and then out, up, down, in
again so we catch the wind when there is some but only once has there been
enough to turn the engine off.
Today we saw the sun and so far we have only had drizzles of rain in spite
of plenty of squall activity around us. At one point today we found
ourselves wanting the squalls to come our way because at least there would
be some wind that way.
We are just going through some reefs along a seaway called 'the Grand
Passage' so we are keeping a sharp lookout, even 20 miles away seems close.
It will be worth zooming in on this pin on the blog map and having a look at
this area in close up.
Huge pod of dolphins this morning all bouncing in and out of the water
making a lot of splash in a way we have not seen before. Always a delight
when they come to see us.
Once we are through the reefs (tomorrow) we will get the fishing line out
because three lunches and dinners into the trip we have room in the fridge.
All is well - just send some wind......