October in UK

We spent October in UK. We keep thinking that there will be less to pick up, purchase, chase or administer and for the first time this was almost true. Only almost because there was still a Raymarine radio mic to get fixed, wheel lock to track down, broken fishing reel to replace, and assorted chandlery odds and ends to find along with a large blue waterproof barrel that Mike eventually found in a kayaking shop just next to the canal in Warrington. On top of that were the trips to the dentist – several for both of us, haircuts, doctors, all the stuff of administering life. We both did a Single Side Band Radio refresher course in Southampton which was tremendous and we now use the thing to communicate which is a big step forward. More on this to follow in another blog. We spent a few days in London seeing friends and going to the QA Cocktail Party at Chelsea Royal Hospital and visited Oxford to see more friends there and visit the house. Coincidentally (yes really) our visit was timed with the Rugby world cup which was great for Mike, especially when he could watch it on Mums fabulous wide screen TV. Other times, when England were struggling, it wasn’t so great. Note Carols brother’s cunning use of laptop to show he is not really all that interested.