
Tashi Delek
Mike & Carol Kefford
Mon 19 Sep 2011 18:32

Apparently we will be doing a great deal of comfy downwind sailing.  The perfect wind from more or less, but not exactly, behind us, puffing us along needs two sails at the front of the boat, one pulled out on each side.  The wind could, just possibly, wobble a bit so in order to keep the sails in the best position to catch the wind you use a pole to hold each one out. 


The idea is that we will motor out of the harbour in Lanzarotte, set up the headsails and poles, switch the engine off and that will be it until we arrive in the Cape Verdes a week later.  Then, same again when we leave the Cape Verdes for Antigua.


But first get your poles.  Not something readily available in Turkey so; first one hitched a ride on a mast that the manufacturer was delivering to the same marina in Turkey.   Second one was delivered to Andrew and Julia’s for a short stay in their garage.  Then loaded into the truck.....




and driven down to Ben and Suzy’s in Nice in March where it stayed in their garden until we arrived with Tashi Delek in July. 


We had experimented last year with our single pole but our journey from Gibraltar to Porto Santo was the first time we had consistent following winds, and some bonus manpower, AND some additional expertise so the moment could not be lost to rig everything for the first time. 


This involves three salty sea dogs facing different directions while one pole is lowered from it’s stowing place on the mast......



Four new ropes and two existing ones threaded, tied, clipped, pulled, tightened, loosened, tightened, no loosened, sorry – tightened, no think that’s too tight again, and first the genoa...




Here’s a close up for the technically minded....




Then the Staysail......




And there you have it.  Wind behind you, sun in front, perfect.




So this, plus a small triangle of mainsail to reduce the rolling, is what we will look like.  Another bit of the plan comes together.