The Challenges of Grooming Afloat
Some of our challenges are obvious and
predictable. Bits of machinery break (this week it was the windlass
that pulls up the anchor and the outboard motor); we have to leave
Turkey every 90 days to renew our visa (Mike had a nice day trip to Rhodes so he
was technically in Greece for a few hours); bananas go off very
quickly in the heat, and so on. Some challenges have come as more of
a surprise. We noticed strange red streaks appearing on the
deck. Mystery solved when missing red nail varnish noticed on Carols toes.
It seems that both sun screen and insect repellent soften nail varnish which
then ends up on the deck. Heaven knows what it is doing to our skin.
The nail varnish remover is now deployed as a handy deck cleaner and will in
future be purchased in significantly larger