Flying Fish

We watched flying fish every day. Fascinating things that skitter along the waves and cover quite a distance out of the water. At night they can get disorientated and fly onto the boat. Even though we knew this happened we both jumped out of our skin when the first one clattered into the cockpit and then thrashed about. The largest we saw was nearly a foot long. We heard on the radio net several times that other yachts were walking round the decks in the morning, picking up the fish and then frying them for breakfast. On Mikes previous crossing they had done this several times. Bony but tasty apparently. Carol was looking forward to trying this. As with our other fishing exploits we failed on this. We had the odd one here and there but never a decent size after that first one. We found one in the anchor locker several days after it had landed just as it was beginning to rot. And we found one this big......