Kilo to Satonda Island - 26 Sept 2015
08:07.20S 117:44.76E We left Kilo beach at 0600 heading towards the next anchorage at the village of Kananga 45 miles away. Again we had light winds so motor-sailed until the afternoon when a strong wind blew from the NE. This made the anchorage at Kanaga rather unappealing as it was on a lee shore facing NE. We did have an alternative behind the island of Satonda but the chart showed it to be very deep there. However, as we came passed the island heading towards Kananga we noticed a yacht tucked in behind Satonda and decided to go and investigate, to discover it was our friends Jon and Heather on Evergreen, on a mooring buoy, and joy of joys there was also a spare mooring buoy in the bay. The island is a nature reserve, uninhabited except for the Ranger and very beautiful. Jon and Heather were snorkelling but came over to greet us and checked the mooring was safe for us to use. We had not seen them for a couple of weeks so invited them for gin and tonic at sundown. They changed out of their wetsuits and wet snorkelling gear in their dingy before climbing back on to their boat to shower and change. This meant a very wet dingy for their ride back to Tashi Delek. Heather had said she would bring some snacks to have with the drinks and to cut the story short they ended up staying for supper!